Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Another year older. Another year wiser.

Today is my birthday – yay!

I’m now closer to 30 than I am to 20 and actually don’t mind it at all.

I’ve always loved birthdays, they have always been a special day for me. A day to celebrate life, give thanks and eat cake to your heart’s content.

My parents would always tell me that when I was younger I would collect all the dates for my birthday for the next 10 years and ask them what presents they had they got me! I remember my parents throwing me birthday parties and inviting all my friends from school and church to celebrate.

Birthdays…you’ve gotta love them.

Lord, I thank you for giving me another year. I thank you that I am healthy, have a roof over my head, food to eat and clothes to wear.

Lord I thank you for my family, my church and for blessing me with a great man in my life.

I pray that this next year will be my best year yet!

Chichi bday

Photo: Moi circa 1990. Loving the Snoopy socks!


  1. LE DYNAMIQUE PROFESSEUR2 March 2010 at 02:29

    Happy Birthday Chichi. May you be like that tree planted by the river of water that yields its fruit in due season. Your leaves shall not whither and all you do shall prosper in Jesus' name. Keep being a blessing :)
    - LDP

  2. Happy Birthday! I don't have anything as deep and meaningful to say as Le Dynamique Professor, but I truly wish you a year filled with everything good that your heart desires x

    Mrs O!

  3. Happy birthday ChiChi, I pray that you continue to grow in wisdom beyond your years and that the Lord continue to keep and guide you in all you do. You are blessed to be a blessing. Have fun, wish I could have some cake...

  4. Happy birthday!!!Hope you have a big cake and lots of presents.
    God Bless.

  5. happy birthay! wishing you all the best in life. have a fulfilled year.

  6. No I haven't forgotten about you, Happy Birthday ChiChi! You share a birthday with another dynamic MARRIED woman I know, so if you guys are anything alike, you're probably a funny & sweet woman!

    I pray God's blessings for many many many many more years. Enjoy your day!


  7. Happy Birthday namesake!!
    You were such a cutie growing up =)

  8. Happy birthday dearie, many happy returns.

  9. Happy birthday!! I hope that you're having an amazing day, and good luck with everything you have in your heart for the coming year =)

  10. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a lovely day and that this year is the best one ever.

  11. Happy birthday...what a cute pic!
