Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Coals and Diamonds


Following on from Monday’s post. Ever wonder why when a man proposes he doesn’t just give you a ring of coal, rather than a diamond? Lets face it, they are both carbon and coal is a lot cheaper!

All you science buffs out there know that:

coal + pressure = diamond

All relationship will come under pressure at some point, that is life and pressure can take the form of finances {the lack of}, sickness, work, family, children etc.

During this time, there is a common feeling that you are falling out of love and this is not what you signed up for.

There have been periods during our courtship where we have faced immense pressure and there have been people who equate pressure to mean that we’re not meant to be together. But through it all, it has been those times of pressure which have drawn us much closer together and strengthened our love and faith in God and each other.

The Bible tells us in 1 Peter 1:3-9 that ‘even gold which can be destroyed, is tested by fire; and so your faith, which is much more precious than gold, must also be tested, so that it may endure’.

So therefore, we need to work through the pressure, because it is then that diamonds are formed.

Hang in there!

Any of you out there going through a diamond forming moment in your relationship?

{Image Source}


  1. Pressure can bring out the best in us. Coal comes out as diamond when pressurised.
    All we need to do is hold on. It might not be easy though.

  2. Nicely said!
    I've been in that situation b4...

  3. Definitely not easy but the reward at the end will be great

  4. Well said, the pressures can either make (enhance) the relationship or mar (break) it.
