Monday, 5 October 2009

So I tried on my wedding dress…

I picked up my wedding dress from my sisters over the weekend and decided to try it on when I got home. It had been over two months since I last saw her {the dress} and the same amount of time since I last wore her. Result: it was tight– aaargh!!!

I bought my dress when I was at my thinnest, well at least thinner than I was now and with moving, changing jobs, stress around the wedding not happening I have definitely put weight on. I can see it in my face and feel it in my clothes.

One the great things about losing weight is discovering all these new clothes which you can now fit into! It’s those same clothes which now sit at the back of the wardrobe and I’m back to ‘fat’ clothes.

So what’s a girl to do? I am an emotional eater and when things get me down or things are stressing me out I reach for the biscuits {Mcvities Chocolate Caramel Digestives – I can eat a whole packet in one sitting if I not concentrating, kind of like subconscious actions}, chocolate {snickers}, crisps {wotsits} and sweets {fruit pastilles} and this is definitely not in line with Operation Esther!

It was easier to focus when there was an end goal in sight, i.e. getting married in September and once you start losing weight, it really motivates you to lose more and stay on track. I need to get that motivation back.  Any ideas? I know some of you will say 'do it for yourself not your wedding’, as let’s be real most brides who lose weight for their wedding, almost definitely put it back on in the first year of marriage, as one slips back into old ways! So it is better to get into a healthier lifestyle, rather than crash diet.

So here’s my plan:

Diet – I really need to cut out the bad stuff {which is hard! Cos I love it so much}. Maybe I should try Weight Watchers again as I’ve seen it work for other people. It really worked in my old office where we had a challenge that we couldn’t eat any crap during office hours. You won’t believe how much that helped. If the food isn’t there to snack on or eat, most of the time you can’t be bothered to get it and we all lost weight. I also always wanted a vending machine in my office, I now have one and they are B-A-D! ACTION: Cut out snacking at work – resist the urge! Also bring lunch from home so that I am not tempted to visit the canteen. I also had a thought, if I don’t bring my wallet to work or at least not spare change then that might stop me buying chocolate with it – thoughts?

Exercise – need to find something I can do that I enjoy. I have discovered that I am NOT a gym bunny and this is a sure-fire way for  me too lose pounds {£) rather than pounds {lbs}. ACTION: Cancel gym membership and find an alternative way to get fit {dance class, running etc – I will be checking out the sports centre near me this week and see what’s on offer}

I’m also going to get myself a set of scales and do weekly weigh ins at home, Weight Watchers style, to monitor progress.

I will keep you updated!


  1. I wish you well and you can do it! I too am trying to lose (I think everybody is, lol). What helps me is when I break from the diet a day I pick which is Saturday. I eat whatever I want, but not a lot of it. So that way I'm not depriving myself. I walk for at least 30mins in my neighborhood and lost so much weight. After I get home, I do sit ups (at least 50), squats and a little weight lifting for the arms. You can do it girl! Don't stress over it too much, it will come off.

  2. Good tip about having a day for treats! Gives you something at least to look forward too! I used to walk 20 mins each way to the station which I have stopped doing now as I am back to driving but that would also give results.

  3. Lol, boy do I look forward to my 'break day!' Can you say, "PIZZA".
    Back to driving, ummm....does this mean you got the company car back? If so, YAHHH!
